Puppy Mama’s for 2025

In 2025, we plan to have litters throughout the various seasons of the year from Juni, Polly, Millie, and Lili. We are also in the process of introducing new genetics from additional sires, with details to be posted soon.





2025 Puppy Process, Pricing & Inclusions

We are grateful you found us and are at this point on your puppy journey.

Due to many families planning for 2025, we have opened up our puppy adoption lists to accommodate the requests. With much thought & intention, our process has changed for the year 2025. As we continue to enhance our breeding program, we have decided to make some minor changes as we learn more about breeding dogs and what families are looking for. We have listened to the feedback from our former families, which has propelled us to these changes. Our family has learned firsthand how Mother Nature throws curve balls, which has us rearranging how we do things. We are hoping that this new method reduces disappointment for families when Mother Nature changes plans that are far out of our control. Our new method of adopting one of our sweet puppies is outlined below.

#1: The first step for adopting one of Golden Acres’ puppies is by filling out the puppy adoption form located at the bottom of this page.

#2: After we have identified that we are comfortable placing one of our puppies into your home, we will review the submission of the non-refundable $500 Venmo deposit. Deposits can be transferrable one time, but non-refundable as we plan breedings based on commited families. The $500 deposit will place you on the general list for a puppy (for the gender you are requesting) NOT A SPECIFIC MOTHER/FATHER PAIR. The general list is split up into a “female”, “male”, and “either gender” list. You are provided an option to select your preferred mother & time of year to bring a pup home, however this is not guaranteed. We definately try our very best to accomodate your requests.

#3: Once our mama’s deliver their puppies within 1-2 days, all of our families who are on the general list will be contacted via email and text with a “Puppy Birth Announcement” update. The families are contacted in the order in which I received your deposit. You will receive an update outlining which mother had puppies, who the dad was, your pick in line for the gender you requested, and the date/time of going home.

#4: When you receive the “Puppy Birth Announcement” email/text, families are provided 24 hours to let us know if they wish to proceed with that particular puppy available. You can request to pass on the opportunity, which will then place you back on the general list without losing your spot in line. If I do not hear from you within 24 hours, I assume you want to pass, which will then place you back on the general list.

#5: Once you confirm you wish to proceed with adoption of the puppy available, you will be added to our master list for that litter. You will then receive frequent updates of the puppies, their growth, pictures, and other puppy planning information for that specific litter.

Pricing and Inclusions

The investment for a 2025 puppy is $3300.

Our family has invested in our breeder program over the years, to deliver the healthiest puppies possible. With the improvements of what has been developed, we have raised the cost for our puppies to reflect our intention and best practices placed into our breeding program. In addition, our tax accountant has educated us on the legal requirement of including sales tax. Tax requirements set by the State of MN within Todd County will be discussed when the final investment is reviewed.

Families will be invoiced 5 weeks before puppies go home which outlines the pricing breakdown, final balance, and welcomed payment methods for the final investment. The non-refundable Venmo deposit of $500 will be placed towards the total cost of your puppy.

Included in the cost

  • Limited registration with the AKC

  • Official Litter Certificate

  • Microchipping

  • Genetic and OFA certifications of the Dam and Sire

  • Going home gift including Life’s Abundance Puppy Food, starter collar, blanket with mother’s scent, and some of our favorite things

  • Two vet checks, first vaccine(s), and three rounds of deworming

  • Veterinarian verification and vaccination record

  • Health Guarantee

  • Phone support if needed after going home for a lifetime

Puppy Selection

Puppy selection will be scheduled on the day of going home. We receive a clearance from the Veterinarian when to send puppies home based on their health and development after birth. Each family will be scheduled on the day of going home to pick out their puppy, in the order in which you are placed on the master list. If families cannot come on the selected day and time that is communicated within a few days after puppy birth, they forfeit their pick in line and are moved to the bottom of the pick list. Families will be provided 45 minutes to select their puppy, and 15 minutes to review the paperwork and answer any questions on this very exciting day. We will offer one day (typically on a Saturday) which will be communicated a couple of days after the puppies arrive for your planning. Thank you for understanding our rigidity surrounding this process of going home. This method of going home has worked well and families have appreciated the fun, organization, and smoothness of this day while respecting everyone’s time.

Our Commitment

The core of who we are at Golden Acres is centered around ministering to others where there is a need. The gift of raising puppies has blessed our family, and we believe strongly in sharing this blessing. We are committed to sharing 10% of each puppy sale with the local church, grieving families, and children in need.

The Sire’s of 2025

  • Frito

  • Billy

  • New Stud coming soon!